Fitting and Sizing

Our Adult Modern Cloth Nappies are an adjustable fit and will suit a wide range of sizes.  From small children right through to adults.

Measuring between:
Waist – 60cm – 110cm
Hip/Thigh – 45cm to 84cm

If you need a size outside of these measurements please contact us and we can check the best option.  We do have the ability to add snaps in to make the nappies a little smaller to suit children.  This is generally needed for small 5 – 7 year olds or children with a waist under 60cm.

Adult Cloth Nappy Sizing Guide - One Size Fits Most


Blue Adult Nappy Small

Join the top rise snap to the bottom to make the napper shorter. The nappy wings can overlap to create a smaller waist.


Blue Adult Nappy Medium

Join the top rise snap to the middle row to make the napper shorter. Adjust the waist snaps to suit.


Blue Adult Nappy Large

Leave the middle section of snaps open to have the nappy on the tallest setting. This will suit most adults or teenagers.

How to adjust adult cloth nappies video

How to Fit an Adult Modern Cloth Nappies

The most important fit on an Adult Cloth Nappy is the legs. Place the nappy leg elastics in the groove where underwear would normally sit. This will create an important seal that will reduce leaks. The waist just needs to be comfortable so it doesn’t fell as though the nappy is going to fall down. At night it is important to ensure a snug fit also around the waist to help contain all liquids. You know the fit is good when the elastics are comfortably sitting around the legs and you can comfortably run your finger under it. If there are deep red marks or gaps it’s not fitted correctly and may leak.

Clipping up the snap

Step 1 - Standing or laying flat

If you are putting the nappy on yourself, standing is the easiest option.  Clip up the leg snaps first (the snaps at the bottom of the wings) to secure the nappy onto your body.  Then pull the nappy up into place, ensuring the leg elastics are in the groin where underwear would sit.  Adjust the legs snaps if needed, then clip the waist snaps (top row).

If you are putting the nappy onto someone else, generally laying down is the easiest option.

Start with the back of the nappy just above their bottom.  The wings should be sitting well under the belly button.

Bring the nappy fabric over the front of the body.  Place the leg elasitics in the groove where underwear would sit.  Then gently pull the nappy front up around their waist and hip.  Clip up the bottom snap in a position that creates a good leg seal.

Do the same on the other side.  Once the bottom leg snaps are secure, then secure the waist snaps to give a comfortable and secure fit.

Step 2 - Adjust the fit

When the nappy is on your hips, you can then adjust one side at a time to secure the fit.

Undo the leg and waist snaps on one side.  Move the leg elastics so they are sitting in the groove where underwear would sit.  Reconnect the snaps so the nappy is sitting comfortably in contact with the leg all the way around.

Then do the same on the other side.  Ensure the waist is snug so that the nappy won’t easily slip off when it becomes heavy.

Adjusting Waist Snaps
Dressed Man

Step 3 - Finish getting dressed

Once the nappy is securely and comfortably fitted.  You can now dress as you would normally.  These adult cloth nappies are quite discrete under most styles of clothing.

With a little practice they become quick and easy to take off and on when you need to change.

Fitting Cloth Sanitary Pads

Reusable Cloth Sanitary Pads are best worn with firm cotton underwear.  If worn with lose, old or flimsy fabric underwear the pad may move during wear.  Tights or firm fitting underwear work well especially at night if you toss and turn a lot during your sleep.

Place the pad on top of your underwear with the grey section facing up.  The flat side with the same material all over is the back of the pad.

Wrap the wings around your underwear and join the clips together underneath.

Pull up your underwear and adjust the pad if needed so it sits in a comfortable position.

Firmly push the pad up against your body to ensure it is sitting close to your body and securely in place.

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